Terms of Use

By registering or logging into the CrisisRisk™ www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website the user agrees to the following Terms of Use:
* The User’s employer, organization, business and/or supervisor may be notified of User utilization of the eLearning Platform and/or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website activity within.
* The User’s affiliated association (e.g., ACCG, GMA) may be notified of user utilization of the eLearning Platform and/or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website within.
* All materials within the eLearning Platform and/or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website (including, but not necessarily limited to videos, webinars, training, exercises, documents, information, case studies, tests, forms, tools, and animations) are copyright 2020 by CrisisRisk Strategies, LLC (CrisisRisk) and may not be shared with other parties without the express written advance permission of CrisisRisk.
* CrisisRisk may create press releases and post on the eLearning Platform and/or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website regarding User activity within and related to the eLearning Platform and User’s Crisis Coordinator Certification. Such releases will only be transmitted to the User’s employer, organization/business, or affiliated association for their discretion as to further release or distribution.
* User related information will not be sold or provided outside of related entities and purposes of the CrisisCoordinator eLearning courses.
* CrisisRisk makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the use of the material/information located on the CrisisCoordinator eLearning Platform or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website to predict or prevent any crisis from occurring. Applicability of the material/information contained on the CrisisCoordinator eLearning Platform or www.deadlyweaponsinsurance.com website is the responsibility of the User.